Positively social - raising digital leaders
Digital Citizenship is far less about STOP and BLOCK than it is about teaching our children how to successfully and safely navigate the digital world. We want our children to know that they can contribute and make the online world a better, positive place. At CBCC, where heart and brain matters, we don't just tell children what they shouldn't do. In fact, we invest more time into explicitly teaching our students how to be good citizens and constantly remind them of the rewards that come from being positive contributors in their communities. The same approach applies when it comes to explicitly teaching good DC practices to our children. Children need to know that in the amplified on-line world we need to take even greater care to treat others with kindness and respect and to focus on what is positive, honest and good. Our online behaviour should be a reflection of our beliefs, values and standards. Raising positive digital citizens is not easy, but together, the village can do it. The challenge lessens when we work together for the common goal, encouraging one another and communicating effectively and often. This video is a great reminder of what constitutes a good digital citizen and the huge benefits to any community, be it local or global, when we raise digital leaders. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
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