Parental Controls & safeguards

Online safeguards and Parental Controls can be a helpful addition to your Digital Citizenship journey as a family. It is important to realise that these tools are great but they should never replace the good parenting practice of staying informed and being pro-active. No matter how effective these controls are they cannot protect you from everything and teaching children to understand the 'why's' and 'what-to-do-if's' is important. 

These tools range from Apps to safeguards provided by your internet provider. Some are free whist some involve a minimal cost for the services they provide. You can also choose from a range of age appropriate options.

Suggested online safeguards - Govt esafety website

Parental controls for your child's smartphone

Best apps to keep your child safe - Sunshine Coast Daily article

Best parental control apps 2018 - PC mag article

Best free PC apps 2018

Family Zone family protection 


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