Technology & Education

Did you know that we are preparing our children for future jobs that haven't been invented yet??

It is our job as educators and parents to engage 'Milennial' and 'iGen' students in learning and prepare them for a world beyond school. We want our children to be effective, empathetic and innovative global citizens. There have many conversations around the effective use of technology in schools and it is an Australian Curriculum requirement that we provide opportunities for our students to develop digital fluency. Embedding effective technology use allows our students to work towards developing what is often referred to as the 21st Century skill set of collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication. At CBCC we underpin those with a fourth 'C' - character. 

Did you know? Is a video that follows up on the original Did you know video. We can’t predict the future but we do have technologies and trends that can give us a fairly clear picture of what life may be like in 10 years time.


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